It was founded by Bodrum Dore in Heredota, which was born in Halikarnassos BC 484 and is known as "Father of History." Then, Karya and Lelegs settled in this region. In 650 BC, the Megerans came and renamed the city into Halicarnassos. In Bodrum, 386 BC, the sovereignty of the Iranians entered.
Halikarnassos lived in the capital of the Karya region in 353 BC, the brightest period. The mausoleum, one of the seven wonders of the world, was created by Artemisia, the wife of the King Mausolos and also his wife.
The basement of BC 192 has passed into the hands of the Romans, but has not undergone significant progress in this period. M.S. In 395, the Byzantines, M.S. In the 11th century, the Turks took over. I. Byzantines in the Seljuk battles, XIV. the Turks have been in the hands of the Turks again. In 1415, Rhodes entered the hands of the Knights. During the reign of Sultan Suleiman in 1522 he joined the Ottoman Empire again. After the announcement of the Republic, the name was changed to Bodrum.
Bodrum Castle is built on a rocky peninsula, surrounded by two seas, with three seas. It is heavily dependent on land. The castle shows a plan close to the square. 180 x 185 meters in size. The highest point is the French Tower of 47.50 meters above sea level. Apart from this tower, there are four towers, including the English, Italian, German towers and the Yılanlı tower. The remaining parts outside the eastern wall of the tower were reinforced with a double body wall. Because they had a strong navy in the sea, they believed they would fight off the sea, weakened the sea walls, and strengthened the wall on the land.
Inside the tower, the place where the seven-wheeled place shows that the new cyclins do not trust those around them.